Monday, November 28, 2011


Our family went back to Arkansas for Thanksgiving this year.  This is probably my favorite holiday.  You get to spend a lot of time with the people you love most and pig out.  It also marks the beginning of the Christmas season, which in my mind, is the best time of the year.

We spent the holiday at my mom's lakehouse.  It was so relaxing and Wade loved experiencing it for the first time.  We got to hang out with our entire family that lives up there and some close friends that we love. 

It was such a great time of reflection getting to focus on what we truly are thankful for.  We are so blessed with wonderful family and great friends.  We had such a fabulous time eating, playing games, watching football, and just hanging out with everyone.  We even managed to fit in a little Christmas shopping at all the sales. 

The whole fam at the lakehouse

"Skipping" rocks


Playing with Reece

I've got to find the perfect rock!

Pigging out with the Big Boys!

Here's hoping everyone we know and love had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as we did.

A week in Arkansas.

The boys and I recently spent a week in Arkansas visiting my family.  It was a week full of friends, family, football  and food.  We got to see pretty much everybody we know that lives up there.  That makes for a great time!  Wade loved playing with his older cousins, too.  Ava is so patient with him and he has the best time chasing Reece around.  Though, I think it annoys her most of the time.

Fall is my favorite time of year to be in Fayetteville.  The trees were prettier than I have seen them in a long time.  They were all so colorful and vibrant.  It really got me in the spirit of autumn and the upcoming holidays. 

We all had such a great time and can't wait until we get to go back. 

Bicycles, bubbles and trikes!  Oh my!

 I'm gonna get you leaves!
 Hey dad, what's back there!

 Hey guys, wait for me!

Story hour with Aunt Devin

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Treats, not Tricks!

This year Halloween was a little more fun since Wade is older and could enjoy the festivities a little more.  Even though we didn't take him trick or treating, we kept him up for a little while so he could help us hand out candy and we went over to my SIL's house to take pictures.  We also took hin to our church "trunk or treat" carnival.  While the candy was a hit, Wade most loved seeing all the kids dressed up in their costumes.  Even though it created an onslaught of "What's that?" questions, it was so fun to see the holiday through a toddler's eyes.  It just made me anxious for the upcoming months and the fun they will bring.

Wade was a cuddly puppy and Cole was the sweetest piece of candy corn, ever.

Pappy gives good puppy hugs


Cousin Jackson was a dapper golfer

Uncle Justin is sooo funny!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Go Rangers!

Even though the Rangers didn't win the World Series, we had a blast cheering them on the last couple of weeks and it sure made life exciting getting to watch all the games.  Chris and I even used it as an excuse to get a babysitter for the first time since Cole was born and enjoy a date night sans kiddos. 

Until next year...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What's Been Going On...

Today Wade turned 17 months and Cole is already 3 months old.  I know I have said it time and time again, but where does the time go?

Wade is so much fun and Cole is truly the sweetest baby ever.  Although he keeps me busy, Wade is at such a fun age.  We have such a great time watching him and constantly answering him when he asks "What's that?" eighteen hundred times a day.  I laugh all day long at the antics he pulls.  He is really into Cole these days and loves to give him hugs and kisses.  This means I have to watch him every waking minute but I am glad that he is loving towards him and not mean or aggresive.  He is also starting to show an interest in watching TV and some of his favorite shows are Sesame Street, Little Einsteins and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Cole just seems so big lately and is growing up so fast.  He is all giggles and smiles all day long and loves to watch Wade as he runs around the house screaming.  He also enjoys laying on his activity mat and has really started paying attention to his toys and is beginning to reach out for them.  Nights have even gotten better.  He doesn't usually wake up until 5:30 or 6:00 to eat.  That means I get a full night's sleep most nights. Yea!

Other than the boys, here are a few things that have been keeping us busy lately...

My mom, Peaches, came in to town for a week and we went to the arboretum pumpkin patch.

 Wade loved the petting zoo they had set up and wanted to hug on all the animals.

We have been watching lots of baseball.
Chris and his dad got to go to Game 5 here in TX.  Lucky guys got to see the Rangers win!
We went back to the TX State Fair.  We ate and we ate and we ate fried deliciousness all night. Yum corny dogs! We also put Wade on a couple of rides this year and he did NOT like them at all!  What he did like was the petting zoo, lights and live music at every turn.  That boy loves to dance!  He also had fun getting to sit in the cars and "driving" at the car show.  He is definitely all boy in that regard.   

We have had a busy but fun month and are enjoying all Dallas has to offer this fall.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Brotherly Love!

The hardest thing about having two kids under 18 months is trying to explain to Wade to be gentle with his younger brother.  He is just not quite old enough to understand the concept and that his "love pats" could actually hurt him.  I have to stay on top of him at all times so he doesn't accidentally do something that could cause harm to Cole.

Needless to say, the other night I turned my back for maybe 20 seconds and found Wade literally ROLLING on top of Cole while he was playing on his activity mat.  I don't think Cole was too bothered by it since he didn't cry out at all and obviously he survived.  It just reminded me that I have to be aware of Wade's whereabouts at all times.

I did get a cute picture out of it at least...

Monday, September 26, 2011

We Are Growing Up!

Seriously, where does the time go?  Cole turned 2 months old a couple of days ago and Wade is 16 months old today.  As the days pass I think that we are finally figuring this two kids thing out.  Getting out of the house, while it takes awhile, is getting easier, we are trying to get a routine established and Cole only wakes me up once a night most nights. 

Cole is growing and changing daily.  He is now 13 lbs, 11 ozs and 23 1/2 inches and developing the sweetest personality.  Most of the day he is all smiles and coos. He is so laid back and willing to just go with the flow. I am trying hard to cherish his baby phase and I know first hand now how fast it goes by. 

Wade is a constant source of entertainment.  He is constantly on the move and runs around the house literally all day long.  Every other word out of his mouth is "what's that?"  It is so much fun to watch him taking in the world around him and his curiosity for everything in it.  He is working a limited vocabulary right now.  His favorite words are cracker, car, duck, truck, mamma, and bye bye.  He loves music and dancing.  You can just say the word dance, and he will boogie down for you.  He is just so much fun!

We are so blessed with two wonderful and sweet boys and I am getting so excited for the years to come. 

With Cousin Jackson at the Arboretum

Smiley Boy!!

Watching Baylor beat TCU

Two Months Old!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Back on the Bandwagon

I know it has been almost a year since my last post, but if there is anything that I have learned in that time it is that I have a TERRIBLE memory.  Maybe it is having two babies under 18 months, but whatever the reason I can't remember anything these days.  Unfortunately that includes miloestones Wade has reached, when he reached them and what he looked like at the time. 

Since this blog was created as my own personal digital scrapbook and I dropped the ball only 5 months into the project, I'm not surprised I have forgotten a lot.  Well, life is only going to get busier and more chaotic so there is no time like the present to start it up again.  So, without further ado, here is the longest post... ever...
(Please remember this is for restoring my ever so fragile memory.)

In the last few months we...

...went back to Seaside...

...where Wade celebrated his first birthday...

...Wade got his first haircut...

...and the next day...

Along came Cole!

Cole Walker Wyatt
July 20, 2011, 5:33 p.m.
8 lb 5 oz, 20 3/4 in

What a busy, fun year it has been!