Monday, July 12, 2010

We're Home!

Well, sadly the vacation is over.  I guess you have to come back to life and reality at some point, but two weeks away is just not enough for me.  I know I am extremely blessed that I was able to take a two week vacation, but I could have spent my whole summer in Seaside.  I truly love that place and look forward to being there every year. 

Not only do I get to spend time on the beach relaxing in the sun, I get to share it with almost my entire family including my in-laws.  I miss my family so much and don't get to see them nearly enough.  My nieces are growing up so fast and every time I am around them I am amazed at how much they have changed since I last saw them.  And now that I have a child of my own, I miss my mom more than ever.  So, this year our vacation was all the more special for me and I hated to have to leave.

Although it wasn't nearly long enough for me, my time in Seaside was wonderful.  The first week there we woke up more than once to a monsoon outside and had to run home during a rainstorm on more than one occasion.

Ava bummed about yet another rainstorm

In year's past this would have been a complete downer, but seeing as my beach time was limited  due to having a one month old baby to look after, I didn't mind so much.  It just meant that the rest of the group got to stay inside with me.  There was a lot of quality family time that took place during those raining days. 

Unfortunately, due to the technological age we live in, our "quality time" looked a lot like this...

Yes, Haley is on her cell phone AND the computer.  This wasn't all we did though.  We also played cards and spent A LOT of time being entertained by the kids.

            Ava and Devin dancing to Justin Beiber
        Reece playing with my makeup brushes

And even though all he can do is lay there, Wade was a great source of joyful entertainment for us as well.  He really learned to smile and engage with us during the two weeks on the trip.

It wasn't all rainy days though.  As soon as the rain would let up we would pack up and RUN to the beach.

Here are some pics of the fun we had after the sun finally came out

Ava and Reece building one of many sandcastles

Devin and Erin, bathing beauties

This is all he did down at the beach

Another sandcastle build, this time Ava got Haley to help

Ava and Scott, up to mischief yet again...

Toppy and Scott, digging to China

The Weaver girls

Ava was a wonderful beachside waitress

Reece playing in the sand

Devin showing off her Boogie Board skills

Reece running from the surf

Ava and I catching some rays

Father and son keeping cool in the shade


Rain or shine, we all had such a great time and can't wait for next year!  Until then...

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful rendition of our fabulous vacation - and I loved all the pictures!!!! I love reading your blog......keep it up so I can share my grandson with the blogworld.
    Can't wait for Seaside 2011. Until then, we'll make memories where ever we are!!!
    Love ya
